Homework page for PHYS 3496; Fall 2024


The homework problems will be posted on this web page, the most recent ones on top. You will receive the assignments also on Crowdmark and you will have to submit the solutions on Crowdmark too; to learn how to do that please click on this link https://crowdmark.com/help/completing-and-submitting-an-assignment/.

Chapter 11 (Arfken)


  • Homework # 6 Solutions
  • Thursday, November 7: Finish reading Section 11.4, read Section 11.5 and do Problems 11.5.1, 11.5.2, 11.5.7, 11.5.8 (due on Tuesday, November 19; you will receive the full assignment on Crowdmark tomorrow.)
  • Tuesday, November 5: Read Section 11.4 (until page 489) and do Problems 11.4.1, 11.4.2, 11.4.3, 11.4.6, 11.4.9 (due on Tuesday, November 19; you will receive the full assignment on Crowdmark on Friday.)




Chapter 8 (Arfken)


Also do Problems 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3- these three problems will not be collected but I will post the solutions with those of Assignment # 4 (Section 8.2 problems) next week; I will also go over 8.3.2 and 8.3.3 in class next Tuesday.

Hints for Problem 8.3.1:

·       Use the generalized power series method (Frobenius Method).

·       Since n already appears in the ODE, use j to index the generalized power series.

·       You can get both series y_even and y_odd in part b) if you don’t set a1=0 in part b) as suggested in the book. So s=0 gives us both of the linearly independent solutions and there is no need to consider s=1 in part c). That’s exactly what we will do for the Hermite ODE in class in the next lecture.

·       For part (d), show that both series (y_even and y_odd) evaluated at -1 or +1 will behave for large j like the harmonic series (or the negative of that); and hence they both diverge if they continue to infinity.

Chapter 3 (Arfken)


Chapter 13 (Boas)


Hint for Problem 2.2: You may start with Equation (2.9)- but with 20 instead of 10 since the width of the plate is 20 in this problem; then use the given boundary condition at the bottom edge of the plate to get the coefficients in the expansion. Also, review Bessel’s Equation and the Bessel functions (Chapter 12, Sections 12-15 and 19); we will use those in the next lecture; here is a brief summary.

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Department of Physics and Astronomy

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