Visuals for the relativistic time dilation experiment by Reinhardt et al. (Nature Physics, November 11, 2007)
The core team: Gerald Gwinner (u.l.), Sergei Karpuk (u.r.),Sascha Reinhardt (l.l), and Guido Saathoff (l.r), and Christian Novotny taking the picture (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

The core team: Gerald Gwinner (u.l.), Sergei Karpuk (u.r.),Sascha Reinhardt (l.l), and Christian Novotny (l.r), and Guido Saathoff taking the picture (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

The laser beams enter the vacuum system of the storage ring (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

Laser beams running across the optics table (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

The vacuum pipe of the TSR storage ring (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

One of the lasers used in the time dilation expt. (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

The dye laser used in the time dilation experiment (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

The dye laser used in the time dilation experiment (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

The dye laser used in the time dilation experiment (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

Dr. Guido Saathoff (serious guy) and Dr. Sergei Karpuk (smiling guy) tuning the lasers (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

Dr. Guido Saathoff and Dr. Sergei Karpuk tuning the lasers (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

Dr. Sergei Karpuk (serious guy)and Dr. Sascha Reinhardt (smiling guy) tuning the lasers (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

PhD student Christian Novotny, Dr. Sergei Karpuk, Dr. Guido Saathoff, and Dr. Sascha Reinhardt in front of storage ring magnets (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

Dr. Sascha Reinhardt and Dr. Guido Saathoff tuning the lasers (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

Laser (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

Dr. Sergei Karpuk and Dr. Sascha Reinhardt tuning lasers (click for hi-res version) (update)
Copyright: TSR Relativity Team (Sascha Reinhardt, Sergei Karpuk, Christian Novotny, Guido Saathoff)

Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics (front, with city of Heidelberg, Germany in the background)
The TSR storage ring in Heidelberg, where the time dilation expt. was performed (click for hi-res version)
Copyright: Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics