Teaching Information
How to register for "The Art of Scientific Visualization".
This course is an interdisciplinary course for 4th year undergraduates and graduate
students. The former register for SCI 4000 and the latter register with Ms. Susan Beshta in
the Physics and Astronomy Office, Allen 301 (Phone: 2024-474-7105) or Susan.Beshta@umanitoba.ca.
-- The syllabus can be found under the Subject "Science Interdisciplinary", which gives
the schedule.
-- Following the links give a online
syllabus and description.
-- The course does not require permission of the instructor unless you are not in 4th year or you are not in Science or Engineering.
For 4th year students outside of the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering:
- Please email Jayanne.English@UManitoba.ca with a description of the year you are in, relevant courses you may have taken (e.g. computer related) and a sentence or two about your interest in the course. Include your Faculty, student number as well as your name.
- If you have the appropriate level and background, your information will be sent to the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy for forwarding to your Faculty with a request to override Aurora to permit you to take the course.
- Keep in touch with Prof. English if this takes more than a few days.
For Graduate Students:
- Get email from all the members of your advisory committee recommending that you take
this course.
- Take this email to Ms. Beshta in Allen 301.
- Note: if you have taken your minimum number of courses in your program (e.g. 12 credit
hours for PhD) you may take more standard (S) courses up to 24 credit
hours without additional fees. In general if you have already taken the maximum number
of courses then your supervisors can recommend this be an
auxillary (X) course, without additional fees. Your department may have specific regulations, which you should
- Winter 2020 and 2021
- The course website for SCI 4000/PHYS 7440 ("The Art of Scientific Visualization")
will be on UM Learn.
- The course website for ASTR 3230 ("Galaxies") will be on UM Learn.
- Winter 2019
The course website for ASTR 3230 ("Galaxies") is on UM Learn.
- Fall 2018
The course websites for ASTR 1830 and PHYS 1020 are both on UM Learn.
Information on University of Manitoba astronomy courses:
The Astronomy Path in the Physics and Astronomy Program