30% | Analysis of Professional Data: Data will be provided that will help determine the dark matter content of a specific galaxy. The student will be trained to analyze these data. They may need to write computer scripts to do the analysis or software testing. They will generate either a rotation curve or luminosity profile, 2 components which need to be compared to estimate the amount of non-luminous matter. These will be contributions to a professional paper in which the students will be acknowledged or be co-authors. |
10% | Written Report on the Project The report is brief but includes the background relevant to understanding the project (e.g. may include a review of a professional paper), a summary of the project, and an evalution of the project. It may be useful to consult the outline for extended learning portfolios for this report. An extensive outline is available at Description of Learning Portfolios. |
15% | Project Colloquium
(presentation criteria): Seminar/colloquium at an Astronomy Journal Club which reviews the project. Expected to be 45-50 mins long, including the question period. |
5% | Follow-up report on the questions from the colloquium audience, a hardcopy of the presentation, and final reflections on the material. |
Topics are listed below but others may be added at the discretion of the student. The total of 40% will be redistributed to accommodate these. | |
5% | Photometry of Spirals |
5% | Photometry of Ellipticals |
10% | Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen Gas - conversion between CO and H2 |
10% | Galaxy Deprojection and Rotation Curves |
5% | Dark Matter in Disk Galaxies |
5% | A topic relevant to your presentation |
The Faculty of Science asks us to inform you that academic dishonesty
has serious consequences. To learn how to avoid fraud, plagiarism, and inappropriate collaboration,
as well as the consequences
please visit:
Academic Dishonesty Guidelines and Penalties at
Penalties for Academic Dishonesty. at http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/science/resources/Acad_Dishon_TABLE_RevCSS_AdminC_Jul2012_WEB.pdf
The Student Discipline Bylaw may be accessed http://umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/governing_documents/students/868.htm
Student Affairs also has a page:
Honesty and Integrity at http://www.umanitoba.ca/student/resource/student_advocacy/index.html
How to avoid cheating and plagiarism -- take the Academic Honesty Quiz
at http://umanitoba.ca/student/resource/student_advocacy/academic_honesty_quiz.html
And see the Course Credit and Changes to Fee Cancellation Policy and Practices document (last 2 sections).