Winnipeg Institute
for Theoretical Physics


WITP Summer Student Symposium 2016
25 Aug 2016, Room 3M69, Manitoba Hall, University of Winnipeg


Philipp Jaeger
Measuring Topological Invariants: Lohschmidt echo in the SSH-Model
Topological systems have been of rising interest in the last few years. Although the theoretical understanding of these systems suggests a wide range of applications, experimental methods do not provide easy access to the topological invariants which determine the behaviour of a system at given conditions.
The Lohschmidt echo (LE) measures the overlap between a given ground state and the time evolved state after a quench. We show a connection between the LE and topological phase transitions (TPT), and how information about the topological phases can be extracted from the LE.
As a sample system, we use the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, which describes a one-dimensional fermionic quantum chain with modulated hopping amplitudes. This system is exactly solvable and thus provides a very simple way to verify our numerical algorithms. We expect that these algorithms can be applied to more complex systems, where no explicit solutions are known. Thus, we are able to elucidate TPT in various classes of topological systems.

Ben Guest
Peering deeper into the plerionic supernova remnant G21.5-0.9
The supernova remnant G21.5-0.9 has been observed regularly with the Chandra X-ray observatory since its launch in 1999. The remnant hosts a bright pulsar wind nebula (PWN), powered by a 61.8 ms pulsar (PSR J1833-1034), and a faint limb-brightened shell revealed in X-rays with Chandra. The nature of the X-ray emission from the shell (thermal versus non-thermal) and knots within the nebula (ejecta?) remain a puzzle. We present a follow-up X-ray analysis of G21.5-0.9 utilizing the deepest (> 1 Msec total) exposure to date, including ~780 ks with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) and ~310 ks with the High Resolution Camera (HRC). These observations spanning ~15 years allow for the study of variability and tracking the motion of small-scale structures within the PWN.

L.J. Zhou
Model for Spherical Firewall Creation
We discuss the possibility to create a wall that cuts off correlation/entanglement between two regions of spacetime. This creation of a wall mimics the firewall proposal in AMPS, which is dedicated to the ultimate purpose of understanding blackhole radiation and the information loss conundrum. We start with spherical wall creation with fixed flat spacetime background, then further into the corresponding case in CGHS model. Our results to day support the idea of a firewall formation at blackhole event horizon but more.

Paul Mikula
Gradient flow in the Ginzburg‑Landau model for superconductivity
The Ginzburg‑Landau model for superconductivity provides a phenomenological description of superconductors near the critical temperature where a phase transition between superconducting and regular states occurs. The model has a single dimensionless free parameter κ that has a critical value separating type I and type II superconductors. Of particular interest are the vortex solutions (which are known to occur in type II superconductors) where we have some quantized magnetic flux through the material. We study the dynamics of the vortices using the gradient flow of the free energy. The gradient flow gives a system of coupled partial differential equations whose stationary points are given by the solutions to the Ginzburg‑Landau equations. Far from equilibrium, the flow equations provide a description of the dynamics of a configuration with multiple vortices that evolves as quickly as possible to minimize the energy. Close to equilibrium the flow equations tell us about the stability of the vortices. We solve the equations numerically to study the interactions between vortices as well as the decay of larger vortices into multiple smaller ones. We find two different timescales, a short time­scale where vortices form, and a longer timescale where the vortices interact with eachother.

Donovan Allum
Modeling the Formation of Non-Singular Black Holes in Spherical Symmetry
This work is based on theories developed by Dr. Gabor Kunstatter, using code developed by Tim Taves. This model aims to show the formation of Non-Singular black holes under the assumption of spherical symmetry. The Schwarzschild metric, which governs the curvature of spacetime, is one of the most famous results derived from Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. While this metric is smooth for any non-zero radius, it predicts a singularity - which would represent an infinite mass/energy density build up - at the origin.
The main goal of this research is to test the different versions of this metric - in Matlab - that comes with the new theory. With the aide of my supervisor, Dr. Gabor Kunstatter, I have worked with two types of code. One that allows for hawking radiation and one that assumes for there to be no radiation.

Darren Flynn
Non-Archimedean Fields: A laboratory for the infinite and the infinitesimal
The concepts of infinity and infinitesimal have puzzled humanity for millennia; from Zeno’s paradox through Cantor’s diagonalization argument to modern string theory it is safe to say that the infinite and infinitesimal have been a source of astounding insight and even more astounding problems. With this presentation I hope to convince the audience that non-Archimedean fields in general and the Levi-Civita field in particular are an excellent laboratory in which to study those elusive concepts.

Will Grafton
On the Convergence and Analytical Properties of Power Series on non-Archimedean Field Extensions of the Real Numbers
In this talk the analytic properties of power series over a class of non-Archimedean field extensions of the real numbers, a representative of which will be denoted by F, are investigated.
We first review some properties of well-ordered subsets of the rational numbers which are used in the construction of such a field. Then, we define operations + and * which make F a field. Then we define an order under which F is non-Archimedean with infinitely small and infinitely large elements. We embed the real numbers as a subfield; and the embedding is compatible with the order. Then we define an ultrametric on F which induces the same topology as the order. This topology will allow us to define continuity and differentiability in the usual which we shall show are insufficient conditions to ensure intermediate values, extreme values, et cetera.
We shall study convergence of sequences and series and then study the analytical properties of power series, showing they have the same smoothness properties as real power series; in particular they satisfy the intermediate value theorem, the extreme value theorem and the mean value theorem on any closed interval within their domain of convergence.

Brett Meggison
Renormalization of scalar nPI effective theories in 4 dimensions
The goal of our work is to develop methods for calculating the probability of scattering events occurring in situations where perturbative methods are insufficient. The presentation will outline phi-4 theory and the motivations for using it. Previous work showed that 4 loop contributions to the 2PI skeleton expansion are important at large coupling [1]. The next step is to look at 4 loop contributions to the 4PI theory. In order to do this effectively and accurately in fortran, a few different numerical techniques have been explored. This includes switching to a spherical coordinate system, employing a logarithmic scale as apposed to a linear one for the lattice spacing in our calculation, fast fourier transforms, and interpolation methods.
[1] arXiv:1603.02085v1

Brad Cownden
Modelling gravitational collapse in Anti-de Sitter space
Physicists currently require large experiments (e.g. CERN's LHC) to probe the physics of high-energy, strongly coupled systems such as quark-gluon plasmas. This is because the theories that describe the strong force -- which dominates the physics inside an atom's nucleus -- are not valid at all energies. Previous inquiries into physics at this scale were only possible through approximate methods such as lattice gauge theory. However, the advent of the gauge/gravity correspondence has allowed for the study of strongly-coupled quantum field theories (like that describing the strong force) via weakly-coupled gravitational theories. A particular example of this duality is the relation of a conformal field theory (CFT) to Einstein's gravity in Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space. In this talk we outline the AdS/CFT correspondence and use it to study the thermalization of a strongly-coupled gauge theory by modelling the formation of black holes in AdS. To do so, we numerically evolve Einstein’s equations in the presence of a scalar field and determine when -- or if -- a black hole is formed. We further examine the effects of a wide range of initial data and uncover a rich landscape of solutions that demonstrate stable, unstable, and quasi-stable behaviours.

Raphael Hoult
Black hole formation in AdS4 with varying boundary conditions
Continuing the discussion of Black Hole formation in AdS: in this talk we discuss an alternate method for injecting energy into Anti-de Sitter space, by varying the boundary conditions according to a time dependence. We investigate the consequences of doing so, and what effect varying frequencies and amplitudes will have. Two conditions are looked at, one in which energy is pumped in ad infinitum, and one in which the boundary conditions return to zero after a set period of time.