Many fellowships are available to support PDFs in Canada. The most prominent Canadian Fellowships are the NSERC PDF Awards, and the Banting Fellowships. Additionally, Dr. Burgess is eligible to host Feodor Lynen Fellows. German Nationals who are interested are encouraged to contact Dr. Burgess to discuss hosting arrangements and research plans.
Applicants must also apply to the University of Manitoba Department of Physics and the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The application requirements and procedure may be found below.
Due to a high volume of applicants, it is possible that not all applicants will receive a response following initial evaluation of the applications.
Interested undergraduates are encouraged to apply for an NSERC , or a Faculty of Science Undergraduate Student Research Award . The application process is handled through the Department of Physics.
Students should contact the Department of Physics to determine eligibility and to proceed with the application. The competition for Undergraduate Summer Awards for 2018 is not yet open. It will open sometime this fall. The departmental deadline will likely be in early January 2018.
jacob.burgess (at) umanitoba (dot) ca