Winnipeg Institute for Theoretical Physics
2012 Summer Symposium
30 Aug 2012, Manitoba Hall Board Room, University of Winnipeg


The Manitoba Hall Board Room is room number 2M70 in Manitoba Hall on the U of Winnipeg campus. See here for campus maps and parking information, Google maps for driving directions, and Winnipeg Transit for local public transportation.


Printable PDF
This tentative schedule will be updated. For abstracts, click the talk title.

Time Speaker Title
9:30 Welcome
9:45 Tim Taves Review of Gauss-Bonnet Gravitational Collapse
10:15 Nils Deppe Critical Phenomena in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity in Painleve-Gullstrand Coordinates
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 William Grafton Intermediate Value Theorem for Power Series on a non-Archimedean Field Extension of the Real Numbers
11:30 Jarrett Beck Antiferromagnetic Ising Model on the Sorrel Net
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Nick Reid Cosmological Constraints on New Dark Matter Models
14:00 Josh Jung Angular Dependence of FMR Measurements in Exchange Coupled NiFe/NiO Bilayers: Experiment and Theory
14:30 Break
15:00 Dallas Clement TBA
15:30 Ian Russell Feynman Integral Equations Using Mathematica
16:00 Break
16:30 Travis Redpath Spin Ice on the Hyper-kagome Lattice Including Dipolar Interactions
17:00 Conclusion

Information for Speakers

Each talk is 30 minutes, including time for questions.
The audience ranges from undergraduates to professors in all fields of theoretical physics (meaning we're not all experts in your general subject area).
You should be able to bring your talk on USB key or use your own computer with the projector. If you have a Mac, please be sure to bring the appropriate adaptor.