B.W. Southern
- Impact of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and anisotropic exchange interactions on the cubic kagome antiferromagnets Mn3X and Mn3AB
J. S. R. McCoombs, A. Zelenskiy, M. L. Plumer, B. W. Southern, and T. L. Monchesky
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- Magnetic interactions in AB-stacked kagome lattices: Magnetic structure, symmetry, and duality
A. Zelenskiy, T. L. Monchesky, M. L. Plumer, and B. W. Southern
Phys. Rev. B 106 144433 (2022)
- Monte Carlo study of site disordered 3d Heisenberg models in the presence of a magnetic field and a weak random anisotropy
S. Belkatir, S. Bekhechi, and B. W. Southern, Physica A 596 127191 (2022)
- Anisotropic magnetic interactions in hexagonal AB-stacked kagome lattice structures: Application to Mn3X (X=Ge,sn,Ga)compounds
A. Zelenskiy, T. L. Monchesky, M. L. Plumer, and B. W. Southern
Phys. Rev. B 103, 144401 (2021)
- Impact of further-range exchange and cubic anisotropy on magnetic excitations in the fcc kagome antiferromagnet IrMn3
M. D. LeBlanc, A. A. Aczel, G. E. Granroth, B. W. Southern,
J.-Q. Yan, S. E. Nagler, J. P. Whitehead, and M. L. Plumer, Phys. Rev. B 104 014427 (2021)
- Triangular Array of Iron-oxide Nanoparticles: A Simulation Study of Intra- and Inter-particle Magnetism
Bassel Alkadour, B. W. Southern, J. P. Whitehead, and J. van Lierop, Phys. Rev. B 100 094416 (2019)
- Continuous Degeneracy of the FCC Kagome Lattice with Magnetic Dipolar Interactions
A. R. Way, K. P. W. Hall, I. Saika-Voivod, M. L. Plumer, and B. W. Southern, Phys. Rev. B 98, 214417 (2018)
- Monte Carlo Study of a Geometrically Frustrated Rare Earth Compound: SrGd2O4
Emrul Hasan* and B.W. Southern, Phys. Rev. B 96, 094407 (2017)
- Dipolar ferromagnetism in three-dimensional superlattices of nanoparticles
Bassel Alkadour, J.L. Mercer, J.P. Whitehead, B.W. Southern, and J. van Lierophys. Rev. B 95, 214407 (2017)
- Monte Carlo Study of a Geometrically Frustrated Rare Earth Compound: SrGd2O4
Emrul Hasan and B.W. Southern, Phys. Rev. B 96, 094407 (2017)
- Surface vacancy mediated pinning of the magnetization in γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles: A micromagnetic simulation study
Bassel Alkadour*, J.I. Mercer, J.P. Whitehead, J. van Lierop, and B.W. Southern , Phys. Rev. B. 93, 140411(R) (2016)
- Monte Carlo simulations of a kagome lattice with magnetic dipolar interactions
M. S. Holden, M. L. Plumer, I. Saika-Voivod and B. W. Southern , Phys. Rev. B. 91, 224425 (2015)
- Electrical Detection of DC and AC Spin Current Injected from a Ferromagnetic Insulator into a Ferromagnetic Metal
P. Hyde, Lihui Bair, D.M.J. Kumar, B.W. Southern, C.-M. Hu, S.Y. Huang, B.F. Miao and C.L. Chien,
Phys. Rev. B 89, 184404(R) (2014)
- Monte Carlo simulations the fcc kagome lattice: Competition between triangular frustration and cubic anisotropy
M. D. LeBlanc, M. L. Plumer, J. P. Whitehead and B.W. Southern, Phys. Rev. B 88, 094406 (2013)
- Angular Dependence of Ferromagnetic Resonance Measurements in Exchange Coupled Ni80Fe20/NiO Bilayers
N.H.G. Grenda, P.A. Hyde, Y.S. Gui, M.P. Wismayer, J.D.A. Jung, C.-M. Hu and B.W. Southern,
J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 46, 205002 (2013)
- Comment on "Colossal reduction in Curie temperature due to finite-size effects in CoFe2O4 nanoparticles"
E. Skoropata, R.D. Desautels, B.W. Southern and J. van Lierop, Chemistry of Materials 25, 1898 (2013)
- Monte Carlo simulations of magnetic ordering in the fcc kagome lattice
V. Hemmati, M. L. Plumer, J. P. Whitehead, and B.W. Southern, Phys. Rev. B. 86, 104419(1:8) (2012)
- Triangular Antiferromagnets and Universality
B.W. Southern,, Invited review in “Frustrated Magnetism”, Physics in Canada 68, no 2, 83-87 (2012)
- Nonlinear Behavior for the Uniform Mode and Horizontal Standing Spin Wave Modes in Metallic
Ferromagnetic Microstrips: Experiment and Theory
M.P. Wismayer, B.W. Southern, X. L. Fan, Y.S. Gui, C.-M. Hu and R. E. Camley , , Phys. Rev. B 85, 064411(1:7) (2012)
- Spin wave hybridization via direct mapping of spin wave evolution in ferromagnetic microstructures
Lihui Bai,Y. S. Gui, Z. H. Chen, S. C. Shen, Junsaku Nitta, C.-M. Hu, L. E. Hayward, M. P. Wismayer, and B. W. Southern,
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- Micromagnetic simulations of interacting dipoles on a fcc lattice: Application to nanoparticle assemblies
M. L. Plumer, J. van Lierop, B. W. Southern, and J. P.Whitehead , , J. Phys. Condens. Matter 22, 296007(1:7) (2010)
- Novel Aspects of Magnetic Interactions in a Macroscopic 3D Nanoparticle-Based Crystal
O. Kasyutich, R. D. Desautels, B.W. Southern, and J. van Lierop, , Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 127205 (1:4) (2010)
- Short-time dynamics study of Heisenberg noncollinear magnets
Mirsaeed Zelli, K. Boese and B.W. Southern, Phys. Rev. B 76, 224407 (2007)
- Exchange bias in a columnar nanocrystalline Ni80Fe20/CoO thin-film
J. van Lierop, B.W. Southern, K.-W. Lin, Z.-Y. Guo, C.L. Harland, R.A. Rosenberg, and J.W. Freeland,
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- The effect of surface spin disorder on the magnetism of γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticle dispersions
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Nanotechnology 18, 455704 (2007)
- Proximity effects in an exchange biased Ni80Fe20/Co3O4 thin-film
J. van Lierop, K.-W. Lin, Z.-Y. Guo H. Ouyang and B.W. Southern
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- Topological Phase Transitions in Frustrated Magnets
B.W. Southern and A. Peles
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- Short-time dynamics of a family of XY noncollinear magnets
S. Bekhechi , B.W. Southern , A. Peles and D. Mouhanna
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- Enhancement of the exchange-bias onset temperature in a columnar
nanocrystalline Ni80Fe20/Co3O4 thin-film
J. van Lierop, B.W. Southern, K.-W. Lin and Z.-Y. Guo
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- Chiral mixed
phase in disordered 3d Heisenberg models
S. Bekhechi and B.W. Southern
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- Critical properties
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A. Peles, B.W. Southern, B. Delamotte, D. Mouhanna and M. Tissier
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- Frustrated Heisenberg
Antiferromagnets between d=2 and d=3
A. Peles and B.W. Southern
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- Three-state
Potts model on the maple leaf lattice
Z. F. Wang and B. W. Southern
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- Damage
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- Charged
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- Off-equilibrium
study of the fluctuation-dissipation relation in the easy-axis Heisenberg
antiferromagnet on the kagomé lattice
S. Bekhechi and B. W. Southern
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- Spin
stiffness of stacked triangular antiferromagnets
A. Peles and B. W. Southern
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- Low-temperature
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S. Bekhechi and B. W. Southern
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- Monte
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Z. F. Wang, B. W. Southern, and D. A. Lavis
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- Is
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W. Stephan and B. W. Southern
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- Monte
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- Multimagnon
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- The
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- The Inverse of
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- Multi-magnon
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- Phase
transitions in the classical XY antiferromagnet on the triangular
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- Monte
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- Three-magnon
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- Continuous
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- Critical
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- Critical
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- Metastable
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- Spin
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- Two-magnon
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- Two-magnon
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C Bell, P
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- Scaling
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B. W. Southern, T. S. Liu, and D. A. Lavis
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- Metastable
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S. Masui, B. W. Southern, and A. E. Jacobs
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- Singular
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- Density
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- Spin Glasses:
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B.W. Southern
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- Search
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B. Derrida, B.W. Southern and D. Stauffer
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- Density
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- Yang-Lee
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- Phonon-Fracton
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- Phonon-Fracton
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B. W. Southern and A. R. Douchant
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- Phonon-Fracton Crossover on Fractal Lattices
B.W. Southern. and A.R. Douchant
in Scaling Phenomena in Disordered Systems, Edited by R. Pynn and A.
Skjeltorp, Plenum, 365-369 (1985).
- A
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- A
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- A Rescaling Approach to Excitations in Magnetic Systems
B.W. Southern and P.D. Loly, P.D.
in Magnetic Excitations and Fluctuations, Springer Series in Solid
State Sciences 54, pp.165 (1984)
- Renormalization
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- Scaling
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- Chaotic
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- Real-space
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- Phase
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- Non-universality
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- Critical
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W Southern
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- Renormalisation
group study of a two-dimensional lattice model with directional bonding
W Southern and D
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- The
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W Southern and M
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- A
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W Southern and D
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- Optimal Truncation
Procedures in Renormalization Group Calculations
T.W. Burkhardt and B.W. Southern
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- Effects
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W Southern, A
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- Exact
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on the triangular and honeycomb lattices
W Burkhardt and B
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- Renormalisation-group
results for bond and site percolation in two and three dimensions
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- Kadanoff's
variational renormalisation group method: the Ising model on the square and
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- Interface
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B.W. Southern
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- Kadanoff
renormalisation for the s-state Potts model in three dimensions
W Southern
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 10
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- Real
space rescaling study of spin glass behaviour in three dimensions
W Southern and A
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- Spherical
approximation to an Ising spin glass
W Southern and A
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- Effective-field
approximations for disordered magnets
W Southern
J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 9
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- Spin
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W Southern and D
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- Molecular
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B Southern
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- Effects
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- Magnetoelastic
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- Rotationally
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- The Effect of Magnetoelastic
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- Theory
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- Dipole
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- On
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