Course Outline for PHYS 7590; Winter 2025

  • Course Information: All important information pertaining to the course, including a link to the assigned homework problems and their solutions, will be posted on that page.
  • Professor: Khodr Shamseddine.
  • Email:
  • Office: 207 Allen Building, phone 474-6207.
  • Lecture Time and Place: MWF 11:30 am- 12:20 pm in 375 University College.
  • Consultation Times: Monday and Thursday 2:00-3:00 pm, or by appointment (to set up such an appointment, email me or talk to me after the lecture.)

  • Textbook: The textbook for the course is Jackson, J. D., Classical Electrodynamics, (New York: Wiley, 1999) 3rd edition.
  • Topics: We will cover selective material from Chapters 1-7 and 11 of the book. Topics will include: electrostatics, boundary-value problems and Green’s functions; magnetostatics; Maxwell’s equations and conservation laws; the wave equation and propagation of waves; special theory of relativity. The following is a tentative schedule for the course:






Electrostatics: Poisson and Laplace equations, Green’s theorem

Chapter 1, Jackson


Boundary value problems I

Chapter 2, Jackson


Boundary value problems II, spherical coordinates

Chapter 3, Jackson


Electric field in macroscopic media, Magnetostatics, Faraday’s Law

Sections 4.3, 4.4, 5.1-5.4, 5.8, 5.9 and 5.15, Jackson


Maxwell’s equations, the wave equation, conservation laws

Chapter 6, Jackson


Plane electromagnetic waves and wave propagation

Chapters 7, Jackson


Special theory of relativity

Chapter 11, Jackson- notes to be provided

  • Homework Assignments: There will be a problem set assigned every other week (posted on and due two weeks later. You will receive the assignments also via the online grading system Crowdmark and you will have to submit the solutions on Crowdmark too; to learn how to do that, please click on this link These assignments will be due at 11:59 pm on the due date. Since uploading the solutions may take some time, please do not wait till the last minute to submit your solutions. Late assignments will not be accepted; so please hand in what you have by the due date.
  • Final Exam: The final exam will be two parts:
    • Part I: will be in-person and will be open book and open notes. It will be 3 hours in length; the exact date and time of the exam (in April) will be announced later in class and on
    • Part II: will be take-home.
  •  Course Grade: Final grades will be determined as follows:
    • Assignments - 50%
    • Final Exam - 50% (Part I: 35%, Part II: 15%)

Then the letter grades will be assigned based on the following chart.


Percentage course score

Letter grade

90-100 %


80-89 %


75-79 %


70-74 %


65-69 %


60-64 %


50-59 %


0-49 %


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