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Hits since July 2014

Spin Dynamics
Welcome to the spintronics group at the Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Canada.
We conduct experiments investigating magnetism, spintronics, and metamaterials. Our research focus is on the interplay between spin, charge, and photon in low-dimensional systems.

What's New?

    June 5, 2024
    Congratulations to Ying for receiving The University of Manitoba Distingushed Dissertation Awards that recognize the achievements of PhD graduates who submitted groundbreaking theses. Each year, one award is offered in each of the following categories: applied sciences, health sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. Ying is also featured by the Asian Heritage Month at the Faculty of Science.
    May 14, 2024
    Ying et. al 's paper on Critically-Driven Cavity Magnonics is published by the Physical Review Letters. Her work reveals a mysterious long-distance coherence induced by non-local Rabi oscillations.
    May 7, 2024
    Congratulations to Yongsheng, Garrett, and Bentley for their win in the poster competition at Manitoba Materials Conference 2024 in the catagory of research associate, graduate student (MSc.), and undergraduate student.
    Sept. 9, 2023
    Bentley published an educational video based on his summer undergraduate research on Coupled Oscillators.
    June 16, 2022
    Bentley's presentation on his summer research has been well received by students at Westwood Collegiate. See a letter and some photos from his former teacher Mr. Johnson. Thanks Bentley and Jerry for being excellent representatives of science education.
    Oct. 1, 2020
    Ying et. al 's paper on Singularity and Anti-Parity-Time Symmetry is published by the Physical Review Letters.
    Sept. 25, 2018
    Michael et. al 's paper on Level Attraction is published by the Physical Review Letters as an Editor's Suggestion.
    July 19, 2018
    Congratulations to Michael for becoming a finalist in the student presentation competition at ICM2018 for his research on Cavity Spintronics.
    Feb. 20-25, 2017
    The international conference Spin Mechanics IV, co-organized by the group of Prof. Mark Freeman and our group, has attracted about 100 leading scientists and students around the world to come to Canada. Here are some photos taken by Bimu and Yongsheng, and a coverage of UM Today.
    May 10, 2016
    Congratulations to Michael and Sandeep for their win in the poster competition at Manitoba Materials Conference 2016 for their research on the physics and applications of the Cavity Magnon Polariton.
    May 12, 2015
    Congratulations to our winners in the poster competition at Manitoba Materials Conference 2015: Lihui (PDF/RA) and Sandeep (undergraduate), for their research "Magnon-photon coupling inside of a microwave cavity" and "Active voltage control of electromagnetically induced transparency in metamaterials", respectively.
    November 22, 2013
    Lihui and Paul et. al 's paper on spin pumping is published by the Physical Review Letters, which solves an issue that has plagued the field of Dynamic Spintronics since 2006, as reviewed by Michael et. al in 2011.
    June 30, 2010
    André et. al 's invention of spintronic Michelson interferometry, achieved in collaboration with Dr. Greg Bridges' group in the Engineering Department, is published by the Physical Review Letters.
    March 19, 2008
    Nikolai, after spending only 2.5 years working for a joint Ph. D project, successfully passed his thesis disputation at the University of Hamburg. His thesis, in which the measurement results were primarily derived during his 1-yeared visit to our group, has received the highest grade "ausgezeichnet" (0,7). The excellent thesis can be downloaded here.
    December 27, 2007
    Nikolai et. al 's 14-paged comprehensive review on Microwave Photovoltage & Photoresistance Effects in Ferromagnets is published by the Physical Review B.
    September 17, 2007
    Hui Xiong joins the group as a joint Ph. D student from the Fudan University. Hui has won a national competition for a prestige scholarship award.
    May 24, 2007
    Yongsheng and Nikolai et. al 's paper on the Quantized Spin Waves is published by the Physical Review Letters, and featured by the Science News ("The dance of the electron spins", Science News, Vol. 171, p. 334, 2007).
    May 1, 2007
    Lee and Eric join the group as summer students, working on rf magnetic sensing. Lee, according to Irmie, "is a straight A+ student. Probably our finest." Eric has won a NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award.
    March 10, 2007
    Lihui Bai arrives from the prestige Fudan University, and joins the group as a joint Ph. D student.
    November 22, 2006
    Dr. Andre Wirthmann arrives from the University of Hamburg, to oversee the installation and operation of a He3-microwave system. Andre brings extensive cryogenic and nanofabrication experience to the University of Manitoba.
    September 1, 2005
    The group moves from the University of Hamburg, Germany to the University of Winnipeg, Canada.

Contact Information:

Dr. Can-Ming Hu
Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada R3T 2N2

Office: 332 Allen Building
Telefon: (001) 204 - 474 6189
Telefax: (001) 204 - 474 7622
E-Mail: hu at physics.umanitoba.ca