Learning Portfolios for PHYS4230/7660 ------------------------------------- This is a report (it can be 1 paragraph, but no more than 2 pages, including relevant figures and original drawings) that is attached to your assignment. To contextualize the material you are presenting include answers to the following questions: 1) Specifically, why this topic or assignment relevant to your current studies. 2) What specific background did you have in the topic before hand and what questions did you have about the topic that you wished to answer during your reading. 3) Describe how your understanding of the topic changed/evolved and what you learned. Be very specific. 4) What questions remain unanswered and what could you explore scientifically if you were doing research in this area. 5) If you had described this to an audience, what questions would you expect to be asked and what answers would you give. Answer these very specifically. (e.g. "I knew little about this topic" is not an answer to question 2.) Ask the professor for examples if you do not understand this instruction. Ensure your web resources contain trustworthy and valid information. The ones listed on the course website are useful. Supplemental textbooks are available in the library.